A Movie Well Done: Love, Simon

So I finally got a chance to watch “Love, Simon,” now that it’s available on iTunes. I rented it this morning and celebrated my last day of freedom before my parents return tonight by watching it.



I absolutely loved the movie. It was well done, but let’s be honest, anything that Greg Berlanti does is nothing short of amazing. If you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend it. It’s your typical gay teen, coming out/discovering oneself movie for the 21st century, but it was really cute. Don’t get me wrong, it’s quite stereotypical, having a mediocre, but cute white boy, not overly muscular but not one ounce of fat either, play the starring role where he questions his life and is afraid of coming out because it would change his whole world.


Well, his whole world is changed when someone from his school anonymously admits on a secret-sharing website that they’re gay. He reaches out to the person and they begin to develop a relationship. After accidentally leaving himself logged into his secret GMail account, another student takes screenshots of the emails and blackmails Simon to help him land a girlfriend. If he doesn’t, he’ll out him. This leads to a chain of events which ultimately leads to his coming out.


“Being gay is your thing. There are parts of it you have to go through alone. I hate that. As soon as you came out, you said, “Mom, I’m still me.” I need you to hear this: You are still you, Simon. You are still the same son who I love to tease and who your father depends on for just about everything. And you’re the same brother who always complements his sister on her food, even when it sucks. You get to exhale now, Simon. You get to be more you than you have been in… in a very long time. You deserve everything you want.”

Of course during his whole coming-out, I cried like a baby because I could totally relate. The above quote was said by Jennifer Garner, who plays the role of Simon’s mom. I was legit bawling. I want to exhale and be my actual self. I just can’t bring myself to doing it. Ugh..


Anyway, there are so many moments in the movie that made me cry and rethink life. I wish I was a “carefree” teenager that could just come out. Sometimes I kind of wish I was accidentally outed, so the pressure wouldn’t be so hard.


Well take a look at the movie and let me know what you think!


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